October Book of the Month

Title: What are you Thinking? Winning the battle of your Mind
Author: Dr. Mark Agan, Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Siler City, NC
Paperback, 120 pages
Where can you buy it? Amazon author page
Age appropriate: adults and seniors (as it has larger print)

WHAT is it about? It looks at what the mind is, exposes Satan’s tactics in trying to destroy it and it finishes with 7 specific principles to implement to win the battle over your mind.

WHAT caught my attention about this book? I was wanting to do a study on the mind/our thoughts so the title caught my attention. I was already familiar with the author as he went to Bible college with my husband in the late 80’s.

WHAT other books did it remind me of?Rewired: Recognizing and Retraining Wrong Thinking ” by R.B. Ouellette

WHAT did I learn? SO much!! I rarely read an entire book through because I will get started and the Holy Spirit starts showing me things and then I write a Bible study lesson on it. This book though, I COULD NOT put down! It just kept going and going! I did write a Bible study lesson from it and you can read it here. I believe that you will gain a lot from it. So be sure to check it out.

WHAT did I like most about this book? It was very down to earth and very easy to understand and to apply personally. His style of writing resonates with me in a very positive way. I glean much from him.

WAS it easy to read? It was a VERY easy read! The long part about it was the personal application because it is chocked full of golden nuggets to apply.

WHY would I recommend this book? See the PROS section below. This is really the first book of his that I have read, but I have followed along on FB and any devotional thoughts that he has posted have always been an eye catcher and a heart grabber.

Favorite quote/thought:
“To act is easy, to think is hard.” – Johann von Goethe
“The biggest battle that we face is between our ears.” – Mark Agan
If Satan can control what we think, he will control what we do.
“Don’t keep ASKING for victory, start ACTING in victory!” — Mark Agan

** PROS **
*very easy to read
*a quick read
*full of biblical scripture application
*easy to follow along and to understand
*fairly wide margins to make notations in

Final Thoughts: YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!! You need your own copy in your library because there is just WAY too much in it to glean from!

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