Day 2: The Psalm

Throughout the book of Psalms, David’s struggles become very real, do they not? David is very open and very blunt, if you will. Many of the Psalms begin with questions expressing his grief and his struggle with different things in his life. Psalm 2 begins with “Why do the heathen rage …?” Psalm 3 “Lord, how are they increased that trouble me!” Psalm 4 “Hear me when I call, O God …” and even Psalm 13 “How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever?”

Did you notice something here? David is teaching some very important lessons for you and I as Christians. Let us take a closer look at some of these:

1. David’s grievance was not public. It did not say that he was crying to his neighbors, the milk man or the world-wide web via Facebook and other social media. No, my friend. He was crying out to his Lord and his God. How often do you and I get ahead of ourselves and air our dirty laundry for (literally) the whole world to see and know? It makes us feel good, right? We have everyone jumping in to console and agree with us. Before we know it, our heads are so big that we cannot even walk through the doorway … at least that is what I have been told before! If you find me in this place, please kindly stop and say a prayer for me!

      Please do not take me wrong. But I truly believe that if I bring everything to Him first, and my pastor or a close confidante second to pray with me about, things work out for the better. I find that there is no need to publicize my grief, but instead I can publicize my rejoicing for help that I received from the Almighty. I am in no way saying that we are not to grieve and that no one can know about it. But what I am saying is, we too often get it out of order. Be   careful, my friend! If we want God to take care of our problems, let us go to Him first! Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God …”

2. David was honest with God. How many times have we tried to hide things from God? What we have done? Our    feelings? When did we forget that God sees and knows all things? “… the Lord looketh on the heart.” I Samuel 16:7

      In this honesty, we see also how we are to pray to God. Prayer is simply talking to God, is it not? Did David use fancy words? Did he plan out his sentences so that they flowed just right? No, but he did open his heart wide open and talked openly and honestly about his feelings.

3. David’s sorrows turned into rejoicing. Have you noticed in a number of the Psalms that David wrote that he started out sharing his groanings and before the chapter was finished, he was sharing his rejoicings? He started out focused on self and ended up focused on God! Wow! How great a lesson this would be for you and I to learn? There is no good found in self or man. The only good found on this earth is found in Him!

Have you found yourself in a public place? Have you forgotten that God not only sees, but He cares and He does answer prayers? Pleasures can be found in seeking man’s approval or building self up to a higher place. Those are only temporary though, my friend! God wants you to experience the permanent! Go to Him first!

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