Day 14: Health (part 2)

“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” I Corinthians 6:19-20

First and foremost today, let us be reminded that we are not our own (physically nor spiritually) … we are GOD’S. Secondly,   because our bodies are God’s, our physical health (or lack thereof) has now become a part of our spiritual warfare. Is everyone with me so far? Thirdly, because IF we did not know #1 and #2 before, we do now, and, therefore, are accountable to God for this knowledge (James 4:17). Fourthly, as this is a spiritual warfare, how we fight (or more specifically what we do about this) will speak for itself. Let me explain … if I believe that my child will be harmed or killed by walking out in the highway, I will do ALL in my power to prevent that from happening. If I do not believe that, then I will go about my way doing NOTHING. Am I not correct? Are you just going through life letting your health run out in the highway as it pleases … or are you doing all in your power to prevent that from happening?

Now, let us look closer at this spiritual warfare called our physical health. I realize that genetics can play a big role in our physical health, but I do not believe that we can use that excuse … nor “it is just old age” … because God knew when He formed us what we were made of. Yes, genetics can play a role, but there is so much more that we can do to slow down or change that course.

An important truth that we need to see and acknowledge is that poor health is simply a tool of Satan himself. He is not stupid, my friend! Oh, no! He goes around SEEKING who he can eat alive. Do you know which ones he likes the best? He likes the ignorant, the naïve, and the weak … hello! Those are the fattest and the juiciest! Yum! He loves them!

Healthy bodies are STRONG bodies because they are obedient to God (Ephesians 6:10). If we are not healthy physically, we are WEAK! Satan LOVES weakness! He loves it because he knows that when we are weak physically, he is strong … and when he is strong (and we are weak), guess what? We are not able to live for Christ as we should. Now is the light coming on? Our weak physical health hinders us from living for God and serving Him as we should.

Why do you think so many Christians (and especially those in ministry) are so unhealthy? Because Satan is a master deceiver and liar! Beware, my friend! He will try to deceive you too! They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so let me try to paint a picture here … “I do not have the time,” “I do not have the money,” The government will help me,” “I do not have insurance,” or “That is too expensive. I cannot afford it.” Can you see it now?

Bottom line … one day you and I will stand before a righteous and holy God and have to give an account of how we took care of His temple. We may use lack of time, lack of money, etc. as our excuses now, but I guarantee that they will not cut it then! You may have messed up … BIG time … in the past, but there is no reason why you cannot do something now. Stop doing nothing!

I do not want you to look at my life and judge me by what you see. Why? Because I am still just a work in progress (most definitely so!!). God is not finished with me yet (physically or spiritually). We all have to start somewhere and I hope you have found that starting point today!

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