Day 23: WWJD

He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.” I John 2:6

I know that the title today dates me, but there is something here that we all need to see and follow. God sent His Son to this earth and He left for us an example. An example is not given to be thrown in the corner or set on a shelf. No, my friend, we are to FOLLOW (utilize) that example.

In life, we find ourselves making decision after decision after decision. Our lives are FULL of decisions, are they not? So, what do we use as a “rule of thumb” when making decisions? Or do we just go with the flow? Or come up with a resolution off the cuff?

I trust that this is not the case for you because EVERY decision that we make is important. Every decision that we make has a consequence. May we choose wisely!

1. Think as Christ thinks — we do this by searching His Word for answers. Numerous answers are not going to be there in black and white, but do not despair … there is an answer there in principle, if nothing else.

2. Be teachable — no one knows it all, so do not try to act like you do because no one will believe you.

3. Use what you have in your hand right now — the parable of the talents so clearly teaches us this principle, does it not? That is only one of the many other biblical examples of this.

4. Search and see if there is some root source or sin that is affecting this situation or decision — ask God in prayer to help reveal if there is a root issue that is involved.

5. Have we properly handled the situation thus far? Sometimes God does not allow us to move forward because we have not learned the lesson that He wants us to learn in the situation.

6. Have we spent enough time in our prayer closet seeking God’s face in the situation?

7. Do we have a friend that we can confide in and know that they will not only pray for us, but will keep that confidence as surely as God does?

If you get nothing else in all of these devotionals, get this … God’s Word has all the resources that we need to live a healthy and profitable Christian life. Yet, what doth hinder us? Our unbelief!

Maybe #1 needs to be changed to this … putting our whole belief and trust in the One who has so generously and freely given us all things in His Word to guide us in this life here below!

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