Day 16: Children

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalm 127:3

When do your children stop becoming your children? Have you ever been asked this question before? It does make one stop and think, does it not? So, when do your children stop becoming your children? The answer … NEVER! Am I right? Just because they grow older does not make them any less your children, whether you conceived and bore them in your body or not.

I in no way claim to have been or are the perfect parent. I do not think that I have met anyone who has been confident enough to say that they have or are the perfect parent. If I have met them, I do not recall them. So, we will assume that we all … me included … can always use some help and encouragement in raising the children that God has so graciously and marvelously given us.

It does not matter if we have one child or a dozen children, each one is a special heritage that we have been given. Merriam-Webster defines heritage as “property that descends to an heir.”1 Romans 8:17 tells us that we are “heirs of God.” Heirs of whom? Of God.

I have been thinking, and praying, and meditating these past days on our lives as parents. What are some of the obstacles that we face? What are some of the challenges? What are some things that make us happy? What are some things that make us sad? When it is broken down that way, it seems like we could write an entire book on the topic, correct? Well, I will not be writing a book on it, but I would like to share some thoughts that I trust will help you in your journey as a parent … whether your children or small or adults.

1. As a heritage from God, should we not include God in our parenting? First of all, we need to be a spiritual example. Secondly, we need to teach and train them in the paths of righteousness.

2. Prayer is a powerful tool in parenting. First, we need to faithfully pray for the parents of our children (yes, that is you and your spouse!). Secondly, we need to faithfully pray for each child (no matter what age). We cannot be there with them every moment of their lives, but God can! Pray for them and rest in God’s promise to take care of them.

3. Love them! If you do not know how to truly love them, ask God to show you! He does hear and answer prayer! Remember love is a one-way street … you are going to love them no matter whether they return your love or not!

4. See through God’s eyes! You only see the outside. Ask God to show you what is really going on in their insides.

5. Last, but definitely not least, examine yourself. When that toddler or that adult child gets on your very last nerve, whose fault is it? Theirs? Probably not! It very likely is coming from what you have done or not done … not taken time for God that day, not budgeted your time wisely and rushed through your day, or too selfish to give them some undivided attention time. Time passes too quickly. Do not let another day go without examining your heart as a parent!