Day 6: POW

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

I realize a couple of days ago we had this same verse and we spoke about the freedom that we have through Christ. Today I want us to look at this freedom from a different perspective … from the perspective of a P.O.W. (Prisoner Of War).

Freedom means “independence; liberty; exemption from; privilege; a right; ease of movement.” I have never been a POW, but when I stop to think about it, it can be a very intimidating, scary thought what a POW goes through physically and mentally.

Yet, can you also imagine with me what the POW feels and thinks when he is finally set free? “Freedom is NOT free!”   Everything costs something. There is someone somewhere who has paid the price for our freedom in America.

Do you not think or know that that POW will never once see freedom the same again? Freedom has taken on a WHOLE new meaning to him. You will not find him sitting when our National Anthem is sung! When an American flag is flown or passes by him, you can guarantee that he will be the first one to his feet with his hand in salute! When the “Pledge of  Allegiance” is said, there is no question about this POW. He will be the one standing in the most respectful way and   speaking with the clearest, loudest voice. Why? Because He has personally experienced that FREEDOM!

I have told my Sunday School girls many times …. “Actions speak louder than words!” When a person has been truly saved … their lives have been set FREE from the bondage of sin FOREVER … there is going to be no question as to their FREEDOM! Why? Because they have experienced it on such a personal level. I have said before, “If we ever come face to face with a holy and righteous God, we will NEVER walk away the same!” NEVER!

The person, who has been truly saved, is going to be the first one at church on Sunday morning. They are the ones who pay attention to every word that leaves the pastor’s lips. They are the ones who sing the hymns with such gusto. They are the ones going to the pastor asking questions about the Bible. They are the ones who are working behind the scenes at the church, without anyone around and without any recognition. They are the ones finding things to do at the church without being asked first. What about you? Have you lost sight of your FREEDOM in Christ?

I have said it before … “A healthy person will desire to do healthy things.” and “Doing healthy things will not be a hardship for a healthy person.” This is so true physically AND spiritually. If you are finding it hard to read your Bible, or pray, or attend church every service, find a quiet place, my friend! Get on your face before God and ask Him to show you where you have gotten unhealthy. Sometimes it is very hard for us to see the sin, the unhealthy parts of our lives, so we must go to the true Physician for help and healing. Once He shows you, confess that sin and forsake that sin so that you may have that fresh spirit of freedom once again in your life! You will be so glad that you did!