Day 16: P is for Potter

O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.” Jeremiah 18:6

P is for potter. Potter means one that makes pottery. So, what then is pottery? Vessels made mainly from baked clay. I did not realize it, until Pastor preached on it recently, but there are 3 main types of pottery. Do you know what they are? Well, they are earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain (china).

We have a missionary friend who is a potter by trade. When he is visiting churches, he often will do a demonstration using the potter’s wheel to make a vessel. You can visualize in your mind how the process works, you can read about it in books, or you can watch a YouTube video on it, but until you actually see it in person, you do not get the full impact or importance of the Potter in our lives today.

When you think of a potter making a vessel, what is foremost in your mind? Well, in mine, I think of wet clay. This type of vessel is referred to as earthenware. There are some very interesting qualities that are associated with earthenware. First, it is the cheapest. Secondly, it has a high elasticity … when wet. Thirdly, it is the easiest to shape. Do you see the spiritual lesson unfolding here?

Spiritual Lesson of Earthenware: God made man from the dust of the ground (aka earth as in earthenware). We were made from the cheapest soil, not made from the fine, expensive kind. Yet, when the Master potter adds the water of His Word to our lives, He is able to very easily shape us for we are at our highest elasticity at that time.

The second type of vessel that a potter makes is stoneware. Stoneware is very thick and heavy. It really matches its name … for it is as hard as STONE. It is very solid and not permeable. It is the most durable.

Spiritual Lesson of Stoneware: God wants us to be strong in Him. He wants us to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and that takes strength. Even though God uses weak materials (aka our human flesh), He can make us strong.

The third type of vessel is porcelain (china). Porcelain is a very valuable clay. It is made by heating materials to an extremely high temperature. It has been completely purified to where it is almost of translucent quality. It too is impermeable. Even though it is almost translucent and very delicate looking, it has great strength. But, what is most noticeable is its great beauty!

Spiritual Lesson of Porcelain: We are very valuable in God’s eyes, even though we are just mortal flesh. But, as He puts us in the fire and our impurities begin to melt away, He makes us into a beautiful vessel. One of honor unto Him.

Lesson Objective: To understand how even though we are just vessels of clay, if we will remain pliable, the Master can make us into such beautiful vessels. Are you letting the Master Potter mold you and make you into that beautiful vessel? That vessel of honor … fit for the Master’s use?

Did you pass or did you fail?