Day 11: Lying – part 1

Wherefore putting away LYING, speak every man truth with his neighbor …” Ephesians 4:25

When someone lies they are actually hiding the truth. They are not being honest or open about something. I do not know if it is true or not, but I have heard it said that medical students spend more time studying what a healthy body looks and acts like, so that they can spot an unhealthy body easier.

Actually, when I worked for the chiropractor, I saw this. With the knowledge and experience that I gained while working there, it was easier to spot people out on the street who had certain types of back issues. So, in a nutshell, if we know what is the truth, then we will be able to easily spot that which is false. Truth is that which is reliable, trustworthy, and consistent with God’s character.

So, let us look at what lying really is. Are you ready? Lying is intentionally telling untruths. Before you start throwing stones, that is the definition in the  Merriam-Webster dictionary. The exact phrase is “with intent to deceive.” Wowzer! That is sharp! Yes, it is. But, think for a minute of the consequences of lying. They are pretty painful as well, are they not?

Lies are lies. There are no white lies, no gray lies, nor black lies. They are ALL lies. How do I know this? Well, the Bible tells me:

1) Telling the partial truth is a FULL lie. We see this in Acts 5:1-10 with Ananias and Sapphira. God judged them IMMEDIATELY for telling a partial truth. Can you imagine how short our lives would be if God did this to us when we “fibbed” or “joked” about the truth of something?

2) Blaming someone else for why we did something is also a lie because we are omitting the fact that we are to blame. We see this in Genesis 2:16-17 with Adam and Eve. God told Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or he would die. What then happened in Genesis 3:11b-13? Adam and Eve denied their part and focused on blaming the other person. What did God do? He judged BOTH of them!

3) Twisting the truth is a lie. We see this in Genesis 20:2, 12 with Abraham and Sarah. Abraham was afraid that the king would desire his wife, Sarah, because of her beauty so he told him that she was his sister. He twisted the truth and God caught him in his lie.

4) Thinking a lie is the same as telling a lie. We see this in Proverbs 23:7a … “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he …”

5) Avoiding or changing the question is also a lie. We see this with Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:9 “… am I my brother’s keeper?”

6) Even if it is for a “good cause,” it is a lie. Romans 12:17b says to “… provide things honest in the sight of ALL men”

So, do you think you lie? Or are you “Honest Abe?” Lying is definitely more prevalent than we ever imagined!

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